ACO RainDrain B125 Channel Drains
B125 channel drains from ACO are ideal for application as driveway drains. These discrete and good-looking channel drains benefit from a wide selection of stylish gratings to ensure the property retains kurb appeal. The channels are strong and durable, designed to take the weight of vehicles. B125 means that the driveway drains are capable of withstanding loads of up to 12.5 tonnes. Most domestic vehicles, as well as items you might commonly park on a driveway, are under 12.5 tonnes.
A15 channel drains can be used in a situation across a garage door threshold where cars and vehicles aren't going to access the garage. Typical of narrow or shallow garages, where these are just used for storage or as a workshop for example, A15 channel drains will do. In instances where heavy equipment, vehicles, boats, quad bikes, 4x4s or even vans may enter the garage, B125 driveway drains are required to ensure full stability and quality drainage.
Installing channel drains across the driveway where the drive meets a public path or highway requires a higher level of drainage. This is prudent for all types of residences as it's not in your control whether a van or delivery lorry might decide to use your driveway to make a turn. Something simple as a delivery driver making a u-turn in your street may cause your grating and channel drain to collapse under the weight of the vehicle.
It's also your legal responsibility to ensure that water from your property doesn't pollute the path or street. If you're washing your car in the driveway and soapy water is running down the drive and into the street, this is cause for complaint from neighbours and the council. Installing high-quality, strong driveway drainage will prevent this and leave your mind at ease that you only need to install this once if you install the right class, B125.
Products in ACO Channel Drains:
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£130.00 incl VAT

£135.00 incl VAT

£165.00 incl VAT

£144.00 incl VAT

£42.50 incl VAT
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